Aileen Razey
Clarinetist, Educator

Aileen, December 9 2023


In the last few weeks, I have been incredibly inspired by creative people who have such a positive impact on my own quality of life and creative habits. They are brilliant thinkers who infuse their own unique selves and experiences into the fresh ideas that they unleash out into the world. 

Once in a while, I witness a person say that they don't have a creative bone in their body. This statement really makes me wonder about the untapped creative potential they actually do have, a potential that I strongly believe everyone is born with. So I have been thinking about how we can foster and build upon creativity within ourselves, our students, and the world around us. What would our world look like if everyone tapped into their naturally creative selves? (Check out International Collective's latest project, Hidden Within, that was born out of a similar thought).

I happen to experience life through music and bring my own perspective of how I see the world (or want to see it) through performing music. On occasion, it is through these performances that I might be able to ignite a creative spark in another person, too. To kick off this Creativity blog series, I am excited to introduce you to a handful of creative thinkers that have recently ignited my own spark and thoughts on this very subject. Musicians, dancers, chefs, and business owners all contribute to these thoughts, and I hope you have a minute to check out their projects!

Kornel Thomas
Through his music, he intertwines powerful messages, evoking a sense of responsibility and inspiring listeners to contemplate their roles in preserving and protecting the planet. Kornel's fresh music is groovy, devastating, meditative, zesty, and courageous. His refreshing melodies, fearless exploration of extended techniques , and rigorous technical demands have undeniably propelled my own musical capabilities beyond the limits I once believed existed.  Listen to Kornel's music here. 

 International Collective
Devoted to world-wide artistic collaboration, we are an interdisciplinary ensemble of innovative artists merging our responsibilities on stage, and smearing the boundaries between music, dance, and staging. Through collaborative brainstorming and integrating our unique perspectives and expertise, this ensemble is has led to deeply fulfilling and innovative artistic experiences.
Read more about International Collective here. 


Chef Sophie of Sophistiqué Fresh Bistro at Jay's Local
Chef Sophie's croissants bring me back to a summer of flaneuring through the streets of Paris, wafts of butter carried by the warm air out of boulangeries directly to my nose, and that crispy first and last bite of buttery goodness. Chef Sophie's inspires me with the use of fresh ingredients to turn a recipe into something so delicious, along with the meticulous attention she pays to preparation and presentation. Explore Chef Sophie's menu here. Housed at Jay's Local in Allentown, PA, this neighborhood cultural hub highlights pop-ups of local creatives and entrepreneurs! It was this mornings visit as I was enjoying my weekly croissant surrounded by the buzz of friendly conversation and local business owners that sparked my thoughts for today's blog post. Read more about Jay's local here.

Thanks for joining me on this series! I am eager to hear from you and hear more about the creative minds that have enriched your life.  I invite you to return to this blog in the upcoming weeks as I continue my exploration of creativity, what is it, methods on how to nurture it , and more stories from myself and from other creatives. 

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